Monday, January 19, 2009

Aloha Crutches

So last night was my last night home with all of my family. We played a round of Apples to Apples and then the boys started roughhousing. Usually I try to stay out of the way, but this time they were playing a game that I might actually be able to win. You stand arms-length across from someone and try to knock them off balance by only pushing on their hands, w/out moving your feet. We played for a while and then decided to have a championship tournament. It was me vs Evan and I won, then Cody vs Dallin and Cody won. So the last round was me vs Cody. Technically I won, but as he lost his balance he fell forward toward me and I was backed up against the bookshelf so I had nowhere to go. I felt myself falling incorrectly but there was nothing I could do. I heard my ankle pop as I went down. My very first thought was "I think I broke my ankle and I'm supposed to go to Hawaii in just over a day". We iced it and elevated it and wrapped it after the swelling went down a little. I still couldn't put ANY pressure on it though. After a terrible nights sleep we went to the doctor this morning. Luckily it turned out to be a torn ligament, not broken as I suspected. That means it will take longer to heal, but I can still go to Hawaii in the morning. I have to wear this brace for at least a month, take an anti-inflammatory every day and hope everything works out. Though moving around is going to be a big pain for the next few weeks I am so glad that it wasn't broken and I don't have to postpone my trip. Thank God for little miracles!


Michelle said...

Oh my goodness!! I am glad that there is a silver lining to your cloud! Best of luck to you!!

Brian and Leilani said...

That's crazy! Glad you're "ok" and that your trip was not delayed. Let us know how things are going once you get there!